FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the composition of the District Registering Authority?

The district registering authority will comprise of District Collector as chairperson, District Health Officer / Chief Medical Officer as convener and 6  three other members nominated by the District Collector/District Magistrate. 

 The three nominated members shall include,

a) A senior level officer of the local self-Government at the district level,

 b) One representative from a professional medical association or body having presence, preferably within the district or within the State like IMA or AYUSH.  

c) City Police Commissioner or Senior Superintendent of Police (or his nominee), whose help is required if the particular Clinical Establishment does not cooperate with the district registering authority and refuses to give permission to the teams visiting his or her clinical establishment’s premises. 

Who is the registering authority?

A multi member authority at district level known as the District Registering Authority is the registering authority for clinical establishments located in that district

Who is responsible for registering a clinical establishment under this Act?

The owner of the clinical establishment is responsible for registering the   clinical establishments under this Act. 

What is the Objective of the Act?

The purpose of Clinical Establishment Act is to make available a database of Clinical Establishments which are authorized to function. Therefore the overall objective is improvement in public health quality by eliminating quacks.

Other objectives are:

  •  To prescribe basic minimum standards for different categories of clinical establishments for ensuring provision of proper healthcare by the clinical establishments.
  •  To collect the required statistics from clinical establishments for policy formulations, planning, implementation, response and evaluation. 
Health is a State subject. What is the role of the Central Government and State Governments in implementation of the Act?

It is true Health is a state subject and in the same so the Act is not enforced   on any state. State has to adopt the Act by passing a resolution in the legislature assembly of state. The Bill was passed by Parliament after 4 states agreed to enforce the Act after notification. 4  As per the provisions of the Act, 

The Central Government is responsible for:

  •  Notification of the Act (Completed)  
  •  Notification of the National Council and Rules for the functioning (Completed)
  •  Classification & Categorization of the Clinical Establishments by Central Government based on the recommendations of the National Council. (Completed)  
  •  Establish Minimum Standards for the different categories of Clinical Establishments based on the recommendations of the National Council.
  •  Develop and prescribe the form and manner in which the registry (National, State & District level) is to be maintained.  
  •  Provide oversight and assistance to the States and UT’s for the implementation of the CEA 2010 including capacity building.
  •  Assistance for the drafting of Rules under Section 54 of the Act. Draft of Model Rules circulated to all implementing States/UTs.
  •  Assist States & UT’s in adoption of the proposed web based registration system and offline registration systems.  Assistance to the State & UT’s Councils for any other matter that may be required. 

The State Governments would be responsible for:

  •  Notification of State Rules under Section 54 of the Act
  •  Constitute & notify the State / Union Territory Council of Clinical Establishments
  •  Constitute & notify District Registration Authorities in all districts
  •  Begin the process of provisional registration
  •  Identification and notification of Registrars of Clinical Establishment at State Level (Director of Health Services) and District level (District Health Officer)  
  • Disseminate information about the Act and Rules at various levels and among stakeholders 
What are the salient features of the Act?

(i) The Act: (a) Assists in generation of reliable and comprehensive database (or registry) for all types of clinical establishments in the country at district, state and national level. (b) Helps classify various types of clinical establishments into categories & determine category wise basic minimum standards. (c) Defines basic minimum standards for operation, using participatory and consultative approach to ensure uniformity across all establishments. The minimum standards indicate basic standards which are mandatory and certain standards which are desirable.  (d) Assists Government in obtaining information and data required from clinical establishments for public health interventions including outbreak and disaster management  3  (ii) It establishes the multi-stakeholder bodies namely National Council for Clinical Establishments at National level, State Council for clinical establishments at State level & District Registration Authority at each district. Implementation of the Act is by respective state through State council and District Registration Authority. (iii) The Act allows for two-step process of registration – provisional and permanent registration. Provisional registration is done through a process of self-declaration, without any inquiry or inspection. Permanent registration would be undertaken after categorization, classification and notification of category wise minimum standards.  (iv) The Act places the entire process of registration and the data of clinical establishments in the public domain which ensures transparency. (v) Details of charges, facilities available would be prominently displayed at a conspicuous place at each establishment  (vi) Registry of clinical establishments would aid in policy formulation and resource allocation. (vii) Cancellation of registration would occur at any time, if conditions for registration are not complied with. (viii) Clinical Establishment to provide emergency medical treatment within staff and facilities available. (ix) The Act may control or act as deterrent against quackery by introducing registration which is applicable only to clinical establishments of recognized systems of medicine and no one can run a clinical establishment without registration.  (x) It lays down provisions for healthcare providers to maintain records and reporting as prescribed and provide information and statistics that may be asked for by the authority. 

Does this law apply to the entire country?

No. This Act has come into force in the States of Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Mizoram, Himachal Pradesh and all Union Territories (namely Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Lakshadweep and Puducherry) except Delhi from 01 March 2012.  The States of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Jharkhand and Uttarakhand have adopted the Act by passing resolution in their respective State assemblies. All clinical establishments in above mentioned States and Union Territories will need to register under this Act.  Other states may adopt the law by passing a resolution in their state assemblies under clause (I) of Article 252 of the Constitution.

Are there any specific clinical establishments that would be outside purview of the Act?

The clinical establishments owned, controlled or managed by the Armed Forces are not covered under this Act. Also those categories of Clinical Establishment exempted by the state Government and Clinical Establishments located in the States/UTs mentioned in the schedule to the Act; unless these States/UTs repeal their existing Act and adopt Clinical Establishments Act. 

If I move my facility to some other district, what is the procedure to be followed?

In event of change of location the certificate in respect of such clinical establishment shall be surrendered to the authority and Clinical Establishment shall apply afresh for registration. 

Am, I need to seek accreditation, if I am registered under the act?

Accreditation is voluntary and there is no compulsion on Clinical Establishment for same.