- Provisional Registration is without any inquiry or inspection, on the basis of the information submitted by the establishment
- Registration will also help isolate and identify the hundreds of thousands of quacks that are playing havoc with the lives of millions of people all over the country.
- Once in place, the system of registration will help in improving the standards of healthcare establishments within a couple of years. It will also bring about some uniformity in the standards of care across the country.
- Registration will help the Clinical Establishment become part of district, state and National registry and help government to collect necessary inventory for better healthcare management and allocation of infra structure, human resources, equipment’s ,logistics etc.
- There will be enhanced trust of patients in the Clinical Establishments registered under the Act, which indirectly will augment their market value.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Patients will be provided improved quality of health care and patient safety will be ensured through compliance to Minimum standards, Standard Treatment Guidelines and preventing unqualified persons from running Clinical Establishments..
- Better management of Emergency medical conditions
- Details of charges, facilities available would be prominently displayed at a conspicuous place at each establishment so clinical establishments will not charge exorbitantly as is happening in many cases currently.
- Patients are assured of proper healthcare by Clinical Establishment registered under the Act.
Clinical establishment in states that adopt the Act cannot run without registration; if any clinical establishment is found to run without registration there is monetary penalty. The clinical establishment may be shut down by district administration.
There are two procedures to start registration, First click on, “To Register Clinical Establishments (Provisional)” and then click on create new account button, fill information required by user (e.g. Applicants Name, Establishment Name, Email, Log in, Id Proof, Verification Code). a. A new account will be created.
For Creation of New Account Link: http://clinicalestablishments.nic.in/AuthenticatedPages/Users/Signup_New.a spx
And proceed as instructed. Web based training module is available on the home page of website, which may be accessed for better understanding.
This can be accessed from the website. URL is www.clinicalestablishments.nic.in
In this case click on “To Register Clinical Establishments (Provisional)” and use “forgot password?” link. Fill information regarding retrieval password (e. g. Login id and Email Id). And Click on Continue button.
OR You click on forgot password link: http://clinicalestablishments.nic.in/AuthenticatedPages/UserManagementCo ntent/ForgetPassword.aspx
This will happen if, you fill wrong email id.
Please contact District Registration Authority, i.e. office of District CMO of your district.
If online provisional registration form is submitted successfully than you can log in again with your password and check your status. It will either show approved/pending/rejected.